This morning we arrived at the church around 6:30 am. Per usual, we didn't start until 7:15 (even that may be a little optimistic). I am not allowed at these, but they let me sit in on the first hour to see how they do things which was very kind. I listened to reports from the CBM and Finance Committees. The first hour was plenty for me and the meeting ended up going on until almost noon. I wasn't too devastated to miss out.
Unfortunately today was the first of the goodbyes. I had the opportunity to thank the session and they also gave me a vote of thanks. Before I was dismissed, they prayed over me and my future ministry. I got a little choked up and realized the next week of saying "see you later" to my Kenyan community is going to be tougher than I realized.
After taking breakfast in with the church secretary, I headed across the street to SPSS. This is the Weekend Challenge. I had no idea what this was, but was excited to spend some time with those young men. Apparently it is like a mini conference. Some youth (young adults) from St. Andrews (in Nairobi) came to lead songs, sessions, and games with the young men at SPSS. I ended up staying until 1ish and attended two sessions. The first session was about responsibility/obedience and the second was about time management. These Weekend Challenges are supposed to get students excited about their studies and give them time to spend with other young people.
After I reconnected with Pastor George, we rushed across the city to attend the ordination of his aunt. Unfortunately, we arrived after the service had ended. She was ordained into a local Pentecostal congregation and was very excited to begin this new chapter (she is third from the right end in the seated row wearing a yellow and blue stole). I met many members of my supervisor's extended family and we enjoyed a meal together. We also met a PC(USA) missionary who works here as a professor through the Antioch Foundation. Her name was Marta and she's been here for over 25 years.
After I returned back to the manse, I spent the evening working on lessons for next week and catching up on blogging :) Sorry my posts have been a bit sporadic.... I've been getting in late and having internet difficulties.
~ Nell in Nairobi