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Sentimental Sunday

On Sunday I flew solo during the English service. Pastor George attended an induction service at a neighboring parish. The presbytery leadership has excused me so that I could spend my last Sunday at PCEA Sukari.

The service went pretty well. I preached in the new kitinge that the Elders has gifted me with the night before. Lauren, Dan, and Chase even came to hear me preach which was super special.

After worship, I went to Kenyatta University to attend a mass baptism of students in the Christian Union. Their commitment was truly real because they got in a pool when it was less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. In total, 39 students were baptized and it was a very happy occasion.

When we came back, our district (Plainsview) came by to give me a parting gift since they technically hosted me too. I found out they have a walking club and if I had known, I definitely would have joined!

I spent the afternoon with the youth and watched the World Cup finals. Only two of us were pulling for France so you can imagine how thrilled we were when they pulled through with a win! I returned home to more visitors who brought more gifts. One of our elders and her delightful daughters came to say goodbye. After I opened the gifts, we enjoyed dinner together and then I went straight to bed. I was exhausted!

This morning, I spent several hours his morning playing a difficult game of Tetris as I tried to pack. With all the gifts, I had to acquire and extra suitcase to accommodate all the extra items. If your wondering, I lost the game and will be paying a little extra because I could not get them all under 23 kilograms but I tried my best. After having our last supper together, we are now en route to the airport. It’s still a little surreal.

~ Nell in Nairobi (written in Nairobi but posted from the airport)


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