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the end. (for now)

What an adventure! I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to do my Supervised Ministry in Kenya this summer. What a blessing it has been to be part of the Kahawa Sukari Parish community! I’m happy to share that I have returned safely back home and will be eating my momma’s lasagna for dinner. As I reflect on everything I’ve experienced the past few months, here are a few things that come to mind.... Things I won’t miss: - potatoes - Dirt roads and Kenyan drivers - Cleaning my shoes multiple times a day - Latrines - The mosquitos - Constantly being singled out because I’m a mzungu Takeaways: - It’s always an appropriate time to have tea. I have multiple boxes of tea in my suitcase right now that are just waiting to be unpacked. - Wearing bras everyday is not necessary. Deodorant also isn’t necessary, but I’ll still choose to wear both anyway. - There’s never a wrong time to pray. We really should do it more. - Lots of intriguing case studies to use in future pastoral care classes. - We should openly profess our faith more. In Kenya, Christians are quick to claim Christ in their speech. After at talking about their personal convictions with others. - Incorporating multiple styles of music in a worship service is totally allowed and should be embraced. - Some awesome new friends and a transformed perspective of the world. - There are many more takeaways, but I’m jet lagged and too tired to think so that’s it for now. While I struggled a lot during this experience, living in Kenyan culture has helped me find my voice as a feminist and as a theologian. For that, I’m thankful. As this chapter comes to a close, I’m eager to return to my studies and apply all that I’ve learned in the classroom.  Thank you to all of you who have emailed, supported, and prayed for me throughout this experience. I would not have been able to thrive without you. ~ much love from Nell in North Carolina 😊 


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